Show Notes:
To secure the talents of our tech support guru, the who takes our ramblings and makes a podcast out of them, Patrick McCaffrey, go to his LinkedIn or find him on Instagram.
Four Problems with Assisted Suicide
The states where “medical aid in dying” is legal
Jennifer A. Frey on X: No guardrails for euthanasia possible
Right to Life UK on X: Doctors would have to offer death with every interaction, under proposed bill
A Comprehensive Report on the Risks of ART (IVF)
The Apostle of a Happy Death by Fr. Jerry Pokorsky
Eric Sammons: Catholics Are Losing Ground: Only 19% of Americans self-identify as Catholic, down from 24% in 2007. This is a 20% decrease. However, “only 29% of self-identifying Catholics attend Mass weekly. So only 29% of the 19% of Americans who identify as Catholic actually fulfill the Sunday obligation.” Perhaps the most stunning finding in the survey is that for every 100 people who join the Catholic Church, 840 leave.
Hispanics in US less likely to be Catholics The study finds that between 2007 and 2023, the percentage of Hispanic adults who identify themselves as Catholics dropped from 58% to 42%. Hispanics now account for 36% of the country’s Catholic population. The percentage of adults who identify as Catholics has also decreased—but far more slowly—among white (22% to 17%), black (5% to 4%), and Asian (17% to 14%) Americans.
Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
The Bishops Don’t Understand Eucharistic Revival by Leila Marie Lawler: Part One, Part Two
The Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum
This is a Robbery: The World’s Biggest Art Heist. Netflix: In 1990, two men dressed as cops con their way into a Boston museum and steal a fortune in art ... Was the heist an inside job?
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