Happy Despite Them
The Home Front
Leila and Phil Lawler discuss the growth of the Catholic Church in Africa, the debacle of Title IX in the US, Joseph Lawler's analysis of urban planning in Austin, and more.

Leila and Phil Lawler discuss the growth of the Catholic Church in Africa, the debacle of Title IX in the US, Joseph Lawler's analysis of urban planning in Austin, and more.

Here are the show notes for our first episode!

Please pray for Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo of Kinshasa, as Phil discusses in the podcast! He’s standing firm against immorality and the corruption of the government in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Title IX: Biden’s new rules on Title IX gut protection for women and girls, but is that regulation good in the first place? George Roche, The Price of Independence

Joseph Lawler: If You Build It, Will They Come? Austin’s I-35 expansion is a test case for cars v. urbanism: The New Atlantis, A Journal of Technology & Society

The Rev. John Ensor’s work can be found here.

Find more from Phil here: Catholic Culture

Find more from Leila here: Like Mother, Like Daughter


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Happy Despite Them
The Home Front
Leila and Phil Lawler have been talking to each other about everything for almost 50 years. Join as they discuss every aspect of the battle on the home front.