Sitemap - 2021 - Happy Despite Them

Part 3 of Phil Lawler's commentary on Traditionis Custodes

Is it Protestant to oppose Pope Francis's edicts?

Responses to restrictions of the Traditional Latin Mass

Regarding the suppression of the Traditional Mass

Don't sign over your common sense

Is there a power of personal coercion in the Constitution?

Jordan Peterson and Bishop Barron misread Solzhenitsyn

Propping up Traditionis Custodes

Bishop Barron: fox to be put in charge of henhouse

Albertus Magnus, pray for us!

Have vaccines always been mandated?

PSA: Hardened Northerners, turn on your heat!

Voting them out isn't enough

Waiting for Advent

Alec Baldwin and gun safety

Shut up, they explained

OSHA and vaccine injury reporting

Resist the Covid Pass

Lame (yet effective) Paganism

Janet Smith on the fake theology of vaccine promoters in the Church

Attention to hygiene

Wigner's Friend, Schroedinger's Cat, and Relativism

Why so committed to Holy Communion in the hand?

Asking the right question

Round up part 2: Afghanistan

Bringing priests into balance

Jewish roots of Christianity

Articles of note

Was ivermectin considered mere "horse paste" in 2017?

Two Essays after Traditionis Custodes

Bishops weighing in on vaccine freedom

Traditionis Custodes, a collection of reactions

Help is not on the way

Thinking about Jael

Camping and subscribing

Christianity makes a difference to health care and we are finding that out

Catching up with Covid-related links


How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness”

Why Remain Catholic?

Evangelization isn't what you think it is...

Some legitimate information that's being withheld

Please don't throw me into the briar patch, Brer Reese!

LifeTeen is fundamentally flawed

Mental illness on a grand scale

The Chosen inevitably fails to avoid disappointment

Cooperation with evil, a parable

The arguments for abortion are the same as for divorce

Chains of evil

Propaganda, funded by us


The dire border situation


You just lost shark week

Do we proceed under the right method?

Lock 'em up though

Men, time to overcome your soft ways and fight!

On deleting comments

Is a vaccine passport a sure ticket to tyranny?

Bishop Schneider clarifies the moral issue

Cardinal Zen's message to Cardinal Sarah

Funny how that doesn't work

Important information about rights and conscience

Could there be a conspiracy so vast?

Kristi Noem doesn't get it

Your parental rights are not secured

Mothers, be at home!

Lockdowns don't save lives, they lose them

A good reminder

George Weigel on the banning of Masses at St. Peter's Basilica

Human DNA in the Covid vaccines

Trusted news source

Shocking censorship

Why are we satisfied with a vague protest?

Time to pull education out of the cold grip of the elites

Cardinal Cupich Martinizes Morality

Let's be clear about how vaccines feed the tyranny of the administrative state

Cardinal Burke weighs in

Masses at St. Peter's

Statement of conscience, to awaken conscience

Well, it still doesn't make sense

Avocado optimism in the face of reality

If only there were a list of things to do and not do

The CDC is not the boss of me

Death prevention

Do we have to be perfect before we can speak?

The Pope is not serious about the corruption in the hierarchy

Cruelty-free shampoo but not medicine

Do only hypocrites object to testing vaccines using aborted fetal tissue?

"I would like to apologize to anyone connected with beekeeping"

Bear with me here...

Black history month is not for blacks like Clarence Thomas

Or not...

More on Conscience

Strange new authoritarianism

Tweeting about the Youth Synod, c. 2018

Books to give to questioning Protestants

Johns Hopkins Med School Prof: Herd Immunity by April

Time to act locally

How to define racism

Vatican Requires Covid Vaccine

To sprinkle or to trace a cross?

The title of this blog ["Them" is not the kids!]

Are we humans?

Thoughts on live-streaming the Mass

Fr. Mankowski on Covid consecrations: The sort of thing I would post on Facebook...