I’m not sure how I would have reacted with that 3 on one pile on with fake fact checks. It was over the top absurd. Predicted the mic nonsense, I thought he handled that well with the I’m not finished. His color was off, maybe he was ill.

Health care response was a bust; however, he seemed down about the failure in not getting Obamacare repealed. Why was he defending traitor McCain? That threw me off.

He’s laser focused on immigration. 40 million poured across our borders in 3.5 years.


That’s clear and present danger. As is his focus on WW-3 with Russia which he kept front and center. I give him a C- on taking advantage of awful economy.

ABC owns most of the mockingbird blame put on display. The gal of Kamala bringing up the Banana republic felonies was tuff to stomach.

Conclusion: pray for the best prepare for the worst.

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I agree!

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Sep 14Liked by Leila Marie Lawler, Phil Lawler

Great show! One my favorite pundits, pollster Rich Baris, shared your frustration over the failure to leverage Trump's edge in the polls to get a more balanced format. The flip side, there was a view inside of Trump World (which I agree with) that the slanted format, while painful to watch, supported the narrative the campaign is trying to push, which is that Trump is fighting a rigged system, right down to the debate moderators. It does appear that independents did notice the one-sided moderating, and that Trump is indeed benefitting. The man knows marketing and presentation, and the initial polls show him getting a little momentum. He got the viral moment (they're eating the cats and the dogs), and the imagery of the 3-on-1 gangup is working to his benefit.

To piggyback off what Phil said, these debates do give a horrible name to the art of true debate. Dan Quayle's entire political career was ruined because Lloyd Bentsen hit him with "You're no Jack Kennedy." And, as much as I might love Ronald Reagan, all it took was a canned "I won't exploit my opponent's youth and inexperience" to put the age issue to rest. I don't know that there's an answer other than a better-educated public.

Oh, and your first 20-25 minutes are fantastic. We HAVE to retroactively revisit everything about the lockdown. That, and about 80 other failures that we just move on from, and then repeat in some form or another.

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Thanks, Dan!

After the dust has settled, I can see your and others' point about the format and the takeaways.

It's SO frustrating because it's all at such a low level, but then, the important thing is that he get elected and the government doesn't start actually ruling our lives at that same low level. I guess with protections of free speech and our other freedoms comes the ability to have the discussions we actually want to have! With not-idiotic people!

We appreciate your comments!

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Your line about telling an enemy about the podcast reminds me of what I used to say in my indie music days:

If you like it, tell a friend. If you hate it, tell an enemy.


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When we were listening to the podcast, the transition from the "BBB" part to the debate part had a muddled voiceover of the 'sharing the substack' part with the start of the part about the so-called 'debate'. Was it just my download or did anyone else have that? (I have a very old ipod, it could be something with that.)

Otherwise- some very great discussion about the "Build Back Better" - which I think was just not a true plan but a slogan to make it sound like there would be something coming, but no real intent to build anything "better" in the sense of improving the quality of life for the average person or family. When you see one of those compilations of all of the talking heads on the news using the phrase "Build Back Better" in their stories, it rings of the same sort of repetitive nonsense as "safe and effective".

I didn't watch any of the debate, as we were away on vacation, and I couldn't listen to my favorite pro-Trump talk show (Wendy Bell Radio) to see how they either spun it, or what their comments were. I could probably go back and watch the post-debacle because it might be interesting to see the angle that they approach it with. I did see a tiny bit of it, and it seemed that Harris was very smug and confident. But based on your comments, Leila and Phil, it does sound like a lot of missed opportunity to drive home key points that would have gotten people thinking. Then again, I have heard such things as she was fed the questions before hand, took "acting lessons" to prepare, had a notebook (which apparently was not supposed to be allowed.) What's the truth? As i listened to your comments, my thoughts ran along the lines of how much activity Trump seems to be doing - rallies, etc., and how much energy all of that must take. Not sure if that could be a factor, but it would kill me, for sure...

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I did listen to that section in the player above, and I did not get the same crazy double soundtrack, so maybe I'll try to reload my download and see.

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Yes - re-downloading fixed the issue that I was having with that - so carry on...

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It was garbled and then I uploaded a non-garbled version.


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Sep 15Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

Thank you! Technology is so finicky.... it took me three tries to get the original removed from my ipod, and then to finally get it to reload with the new one! Now we can finish listening to part two... :D

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Sep 17Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

I appreciate your insights in this podcast. I never thought about the freedom of assembly in relation to defending freedom of speech, and it was enlightening to learn about the 15-minute city idea and its correlation to build back better.

I am concerned about President Trump seeming tired. My husband says, though, that he can’t stop and rest because the left never rests in attacking him and he must keep combatting it.

I was disappointed in the debate, and I agree with you about the lack of actual debate on the issues.

I am still 100% in support of President Trump because I believe the core of his intention is to save the freedom of our country for our children and grandchildren.

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Yes, we agree! The alternative is totally unacceptable and actually quite frightening!

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Sep 17Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

Wonderful as always! Your common sense is so refreshing. So many conservatives are upset about silly and obvious things. I appreciate that you go beyond being upset at “the bait” and talk about the issues that matter.

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Thank you!

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