1 Comment
Jul 12Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

Oh, man. This is going to be hard to listen to. Triggering is a good word to describe the feelings these statements incite. "Safety" is always the guise the government uses to exert their will. It's about data, control, and politics. The government in general cares nothing for the children. They do not view them as persons, only pawns. I was brought up in public school and it is not a safe place, my education was poor. How unfair for me, the government should have raised me better. Boo. Thank you for your defense of the freedom to homeschool, the original traditional schooling. God's design for the family is not to separate children from their parents/family and insert them into a foreign, systematic, un-relational, anti-individual place to spend the majority of their tender years. "The Summit" wants to brainwash your kids and they don't like you teaching them morality. They actually want your kids to be unintelligent so they can more easily sway them in whatever perverted direction they decide to march.

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