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Jan 19
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How rude

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This sad state of affairs, on top of reading the recent news about how he is now allowing men of a certain orientation to openly enter Italian seminaries has me feeling very, very down in the dumps. Jesus, save us!

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Oh my did not know this

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Superb, incisive writing, Leila! The Pope is indeed a Bulverist, and deserves your response.

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What an ingenious and diplomatic way to describe this hot mess of a papacy. From the moment he walked out onto the loggia, I have found him to be dark, creepy and off putting. My skin literally crawled at my first sight of him. Nothing has provided any evidence my first impression was wrong.

I think of my grandma’s wise words, birds of a feather flock together. From the beginning he has surrounded himself with Lavender Mafia types. He dismisses and casts out holy priests and dismisses our love for truth and beauty.

I pray what comes after wont be worse

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Thank you for pointing this out - yes, bulverism is the best term for all this Vatican nonsense. And a great essay too!

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The senior priest at my parish did this exact thing in an email he sent out to parishioners about people kneeling for communion. Something along the lines of “people who do this are just attention-seeking, prideful, and ostentatious”. Luckily he retires this year.

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This makes me so Sad.

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Brilliant connection between bulverism and Pope Francis’s tactics. Thank you.

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"Let’s be clear: the motives of someone who surrounds himself — and us — with known sodomites, abusers, and abuser-adjacent men should be questioned a lot sooner than those of people defending tradition, that is to say, the Catholic Faith."

I love this. This states things perfectly.

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Oh come on. You say Pope Francis is using a bad argument technique called Bulverism, then go on to use an ad hominem argument. Even Jesus ate dinner with sinners. Isn't there a better argument you can use?

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Oh come on. In the post I said "this table could be turned" but "it doesn't get at the truth."

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By his fruits you will know him.🐺

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Seems to me he should read the Catechism fully. Pre 1962.

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Why does this look like a picture of Obama that someone photoshopped into Pope Francis? Even putting aside the Obamian title HOPE - he looks like Obama!

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I’m so tired of him, and of Fakechurch and the whole catastrophe.

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I have occasionally thought of responding to the "you're crazy" attack on traditionalists by responding that the Church is a hospital. One should expect to find the weak, the sinful, and the wounded in the heart of the Church.

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Great article, this man is a dictator and a narcissist, we have to keep praying for ourselves and the Church. Only Heaven can help us, as no bishops seem to speak up. His hatred for everything Catholic is quite apparent, he's not going to stop attacking us.

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Never looked at this in conjunction with the woke-narcissist phenomenon in modern relationship disintegration but now I see there is a profound one. There are also a few Alinskian rules for radicals hiding in the shadows. We who are branded, ghosted and preemptively cancelled for our beliefs know this only too well. We accept the silencing because we can hardly win back an argument that cannot and will not be rationally argued. We hopefully look to the hereafter for justice. And we pray there is an illumination of conscience because radical transparency is the antidote. That's what Saint Francis accomplished in the Piazza of Assisi.

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“The wise ruler, whenever he can, will subdue the people by force or by fraud.” -Niccolò Machiavelli

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Exactly. You put it very well.

Sometimes it's the better part of justice to self (a virtue) to step back and see the reality of the situation. The idea that Pope Francis just *doesn't know enough* and say, needs to read up on traditionalism, is part of the syndrome.

And ultimately, it's better for the perpetrator for his victims to refuse to participate - for the sake of truth.

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"Bulverism" - a nice word and a good explanation.

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There are plenty of reasons and machinations going into the war on tradition.

My essay is simply about why it doesn't work to present all the evidence and make the arguments -- because of the "trick" of Pope Francis's (and others' of course) *assumption* that we are wrong, followed quickly by *explanations* as to why (emotional disturbance, rigidity, etc).

So no matter how many wonderful analyses we come up with, we'll be back to square one -- because it's not an argument, it's a trick.

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