Feb 27Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

Spot on. One of my Lenten penances is to wake up at 6am and since Lent began, it's been quite...tough. All of a sudden the one year old is wanting to nurse more or refuses to sleep in his crib, someone gets sick, someone has a bloody nose, and then it's 6am.

I've been working on establishing a good morning routine, and know that my 6am wake up is very fruitful. Otherwise I feel I wouldn't be plagued with all of these odd "temptations" or reasons to actually sleep in.

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It's almost as if we need God!! to do literally anything LOL

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I guess so. 🤪😂😜

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Feb 27Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

Was almost onboard with this yesterday until a bad night with the little ones changed my thinking at 3am to “hard pass” haha. Pretty sure Isiah includes something about the Good Shepherd leading the ewes/ mothers down to rest - hence the Good Lord knows those of us with kids might be feeling rather tired on a routine basis and caffeine is the gas that gets us to the finish line ;p … “Lord make it decaf but not just yet” I think… leave the gents to their coffee and tea abstinence 😂

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I know I'm late to posting, but I came across a bit of St. Teresa of Avila and thought it fit perfectly...

"We have such stingy hearts that it seems we're going to lose the earth if we desire to neglect the body a little for the sake of the spirit. Then it seems to be a help toward recollection to be secure in the possession of necessities because concern about these necessities is a disturbance to prayer. It makes me sad that we have so little confidence in God and so much self-love that these concerns should disturb us." (The Book of Her Life, ch. 13)

FWIW, she goes on to say that limiting bodily penances so they don't bother us and, thus, distract our prayer severely stunts spiritual growth and is only suitable for those in the married state...ha ha, so maybe we can still have our coffee with cream??? If we're content to grow in holiness "at the speed of a hen" that is ;-)

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I guess we can give up ice cream haha... we can become fast hens!

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