Happy Despite Them
The Home Front
++Viganò's excommunication; the working document for the synod on synodality; media coverage of Biden's decline; and more!

++Viganò's excommunication; the working document for the synod on synodality; media coverage of Biden's decline; and more!

Join Phil and me as we talk over some topics for this week -- our takes are different from all the others, so do tune in!

Archbishop Viganò excommunicated; other prelates get a pass

Rhetoric vs. reality in the Synod’s working document

Entirely excluded from the synod!

WSJ: How Biden’s Inner Circle Worked to Keep Signs of Aging Under Wraps

Marine Corps Band supplies walk-on music for Jill Biden - how fabulous

Diversity Was Supposed to Make Us Rich. Not So Much. “Since 2015, the approach has been tested in the fire of the marketplace and failed. Academics have tried to repeat McKinsey’s findings and failed, concluding that there is in fact no link between profitability and executive diversity. And the methodology of McKinsey’s early studies, which helped create the widespread belief that diversity is good for profits, is being questioned.” This shouldn’t come as a surprise. If companies could boost their profits as easily as McKinsey suggested—the most-diverse firms had a 39 percentage point higher chance of higher-than-average profit margins than the least-diverse—then surely companies would have rushed to promote more women and minority racial groups.

The Sound of Silence by Karen Hall

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Happy Despite Them
The Home Front
Leila and Phil Lawler have been talking to each other about everything for almost 50 years. Join as they discuss every aspect of the battle on the home front.