Jul 12Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

Could you speak on how married women without children or with very young children can mitigate loneliness when they don’t live near family? Thank you. All your work is a blessing.

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Have you seen my St. Gregory Pocket posts? If you go to the menu bar on Like Mother, Like Daughter you will find them.

Basically, it's a blueprint for finding your community. And I encourage those without children to be brave in offering help -- a meal, an offer to watch kids when the person has a doctor's appointment, and so on (a key in the St. Greg Pocket model). Moms with little children tend to get wrapped up in the demands of that life and it can seem like rejection, but it's really just a bandwidth problem. If you just put yourself forward, it will be appreciated, and soon you'll find "your people." Not everyone is a kindred spirit, but some are!

When you have little kids, meet at the pond, playground, splash pad... just say "I'll be there, please come if you can!"

I spell it all out... see what you think!

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Jul 13Liked by Leila Marie Lawler

I have read two books by Gene Wolfe. The first, Peace, I thought was quite good -- very spooky and well told. The other, I have forgotten, but did not like.

Prayers for +Vigano. The man is obviously troubled.

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