I worked part-time for a few months at a Catholic Charities office many years ago, and I noticed it was almost entirely distributing government funding according to government rules. I quipped, in the style of the "Saturday Night Live" character Linda Richman, "Catholic Charities is neither a charity nor Catholic."

And it's always good to hear you speak out against the commodification of children. Being against the commodification of children shouldn't put us on the moral defensive; we have a genuinely humane view of people.

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I appreciated this episode so much! Especially the bit about what “credibly accused” means. I was completely scandalized when the priest (IMO, saintly) who baptized me showed up on an online list as “credibly accused.” His name was added somewhat recently but he died 30 years ago. I was assuming “credibly accused “ meant “proven”. I’m rather relieved it does not, but also disgusted they post lists and sully good names without any recourse to prove guilt.

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Great episode!

Would be grateful for any insight you and Phil might be able to provide on embryo adoption, especially in view of the “surplus” embryos being produced en mass?

My own evolving understanding is that it’s a gray zone in Catholic teaching, albeit learning towards not permissible as the person is not formed via the natural sexual act.

I ask only because I know two devout infertile couples (the relevant gentlemen are both sterile). One couple has successfully started a family through embryo adoption; the other couple is discerning whether this is the moral path for them.

I am unsure what to say to the second couple still discerning as they are close family and discussing options with family members.

Any moral insights and Lawler wisdom much appreciated!

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