Sitemap - 2022 - Happy Despite Them

What is the duty of the ordinary Christian?

What is Pro-life today

Artificial wombs

Exposing Woke Politics and Child Harm in the American Academy of Pediatrics

Bad lockdown conscience

Podcast: The problem with *chastity ministry*

Klaus Regime Illegally Occupying November!

What Emily Oster said in The Atlantic and why it is not acceptable

No Covid amnesty for bishops, theologians, et al., either

Catholics and the Ukraine

The post-traumatic stress of the anniversary of Vatican II

Eucharistic devotion cut off at knees: two little examples

Changing the Church one bureaucracy at a time

Market share? or the Cross

You cannot "opt out" of sex education for your child

IVF is a dystopian fraud

Christianity or capitulation

Let's not abandon St. Monica, lest our children be abandoned

Modern Persuasion with a deadly message

A pro-life betrayal and wake-up call

The hidden reason Roe fell

Is Elijah too harsh? Bishop Barron thinks so

A thought on "teen pregnancy"

Notes on the baby formula crisis

The vexed dilemma of concelebration at the Chrism Mass


I called it: Mothers need to breastfeed their babies now

Justice and War: Ukraine and Russia

Must Not Be Obeyed

What is Canon Law for?

The Path Out

A review: The Holy Mass by Bishop Athanasius Schneider

The poison in the system

Querida Amazonia: Enabling Ecclesial Change

Pope Francis confirms the use of the 1962 liturgical books

One woman's journey on a medical question

Furthermore: On the Papacy of Pope Francis Part 2

On the papacy of Pope Francis

Liturgically abusive Masses should be avoided!

The aborted fetal cell research world you know nothing about

Why doctors are afraid to write medical exemptions

University of Chicago students push back

Fr. Michael Copenhagen: "Things will get worse before they get better"